Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nǐ hǎo! Singapore Social Development Post

Singapore is very socially developed; they take care of their people well. For example, they have a requirement for all employers that they must provide their employees with 14 paid sick days per year as well as 8 weeks of maternity leave after having a child. This shows that the government wants to take care of its citizens and that it really cares about their health and well being. They also have a program where employees who make over a certain amount have to contribute to the country's social welfare programs. This bridges the gap between the rich and the poor and strengthens the middle class. Women hold 42% of the labor force in Singapore, and enjoy the same freedoms and civil liberties as men in the country. This displays that they are culturally ahead of most of the world and want equality for all of their citizens, no matter what gender. 

Thank you for Reading and I hope you've enjoyed!

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